Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Evelyn's new "joke"

Me - What's a ghost say?

Evi - "BOO"

Okay, so it's not a joke but to a 18 mo old, it is. She is so awesome

Speaking of awesome, we had an awesome Halloween weekend. On Friday, we went over to the Stukel's for dinner and pumpkin painting/carving. Ev had so much fun with Evie. They are great friends. It was good times and we partied till like 9pm. Whoa.

Evi concentrating on her project.

On actual Halloween, we went to the Minnehaha Falls halloween party for the kiddos. Evi is still a little to young to participate but we still had fun as a family.

She liked seeing all the costumes. Except this one...

She got really scared. She kept saying "i sca-red." Even when you ask her about the Halloween party now and mention the bear, she gets upset and says "I scared."

Man she is so awesome.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

it takes time

Evelyn has a new obsession with hats. A few months ago, she couldn't stand anything on her head at all. Now she can't get enough of hats.

Earlier this year we got an awesome deal on a brand new Burley bike trailer (double that is...we were planning :-). We were so excited to spend the Spring and Summer on family bike rides. Of course, we are trying to teach Evelyn good habits, so she must wear a bike helmet to ride. The problem is, she HATED the helmet. We tried two different kinds of helmets and neither worked. Every couple of weeks we would try to go on a family bike ride and by the time we were out of the alley, she would scream "all done." It wasn't the Burley, it was the helmet she hated. We were sad, but figured she would love it next season.
Well last weekend we were getting ready for winter and cleaning out the garage. Evi was helping and all of a sudden she got really excited. "Hat! Hat!" she said pointing to her head. She had spotted her helmet and wanted to wear it. I put it on her and she ran around the garage with glee. We actually couldn't get it off of her. She wore it on her walk and playing in the yard. It was real cute. Then she saw her "car" aka Burley, and wanted to go for a ride. She loved it. So here we are, at the end of the season and she is ready to go.

Can't wait for her to teach her brother to like "hats" so we can go on family bike rides.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Long long time

It has been months since I last updated. Sorry about that. I just didn't have the time. Three months have past. I figured to get back into the swing of things, I would just list the cool things we have been up too (thanks to Bri for the idea)

1. We're pregnant. Yea...big surprise. That is really what caused my halt in blogger production. I felt so crappy. I could barely make it through the day. It was way easier with Evelyn. Early on I was conviced it was a boy cause I was feeling so differently. But then Dan kept telling me I acted/felt the same way the first time. And then Evi went around saying "sister.sister." Then I was convinced it was a girl. But in the end, the ultrasound showed It's a BOY!. We are beyond excited. Evelyn is too.

2. We are planning a home waterbirth. I am very excited about this. I absolutely trust my body and birth. So this is the right thing for us. Dan is so supportive and I am thankful for that. Let me know if you have any questions.

3. Evelyn has been doing so much lately. Here are a few...
  • It snowed for the first time last weekend and when Evelyn saw it she said "Oh my God!"
  • She LOVES gapes (grapes) she asked for them all the time.
  • She loves mongeys (monkeys) and is going to be one for halloween
  • She has to walk everywhere.
  • She loves hats
  • She loves to draw.
  • Every time she falls, she says, "i'm okay"
  • She has 3 molars that are coming in.
  • She is just plain AWESOME.
4. Dan's bartending gig is coming to an end. The Uptown Bar, Dan's weekend gig, is coming under the wrecking ball. The legendary place is being turned into retail. This is a good thing though. While we have really enjoyed the extra money, it is time for us to have weekend together as a family.

5. We are going to Austin for Christmas. We haven't been there in almost 5 yrs. Can't wait to meet my new nephew, see old friends, and fill my 8mo preggo belly with ATX food.

6. I am so so close to certification as a birth doula. I just have to observe a childbirth class and turn in everything. I am sitting in on a Lamaze class in Nov. I truly love doula-ing. I can't wait to do it more. I had a very busy month of Sept. I had 3 births in 9 days. It was hard with working full time and being sicky from pregnancy. I have only one more birth scheduled for Nov and then I am taking a break to pamper my pregnant self.

I think that is all for now. I will be updating this more often now that I feel better.