Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th weekend

I wish I could say a ton happened this 4th of July weekend. but so far...that is just not true.

We had weather below average. It was cloudy and somewhat rainy. It definitely made for a lack of motivation. But on the actual 4th, Evelyn and I went to our friends Jolie, Eric and Evie for a BBQ. It was tons of fun.

See, Evi and Evie are exactly 1yr apart. Last year Evi was just a baby, but this summer, they actually started playing with each other. It is great fun.

Then, we found a baby frog in the yard. I showed it to the girls. It's that teeny tiny thing on my hand

It jumped out of my hands so Evi bent down to check it out.


she stepped on it. Thankfully she didn't know that she had killed the frog.

P.S. I found out that Evelyn really likes corn on the cob.

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