Friday, February 5, 2010

Crazy Baby Lady

So I got RAGING mad at hubbypants this morning. This has been happening a lot lately. My hormones or something. I will even realize that I am getting way madder than necessary, but can’t stop myself.

Dan took my car in for an oil change. I scheduled it because of a $5 coupon I had. I accidentally left the coupon at work yesterday. So, this morning I emailed the coupon to Dan and told him to tell them when he dropped off the car about it. He got the oil changed and when I asked him if he had any problems with the coupon, he said that he forgot to tell them when he dropped it off, and when he went to pay, they wouldn’t take it. I got so mad. So mad. Over 5 freakin dollars. Or the fact that he didn’t follow directions. Or the fact that he wasn’t persistent that they take the stupid coupon. Or the fact that a baby is eating my brain.

Anyway, I know I was/am being ridiculous, but I seriously considered divorce for a minute.

crazy pregnant lady

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