Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Austin in Mpls

This weekend was filled with visits from old friends. It made me miss Austin. But at the same time, I also fell more deeply in love with the mpls. I felt a sense of pride I hadn't felt before for this city. This is my home. I accept.

Camille came to visit from Portland. She is just about to graduate with a PA (Physician Assistant) degree. She was doing one of her rotations in South Dakota. Her husband Mark has family in the Twin Cities so she came for the weekend. It was SO great to see her. It has been over 5yrs since we last saw each other. We didn't even skip a beat. I have always called Camille a soul sister. The moment we met, there was an instant connection and we became fast and true friends. She is planning on moving back to Austin after graduation so I am certain I will get to see much more of her.

Jennifer Jasso flew in on Sunday just to see us. Again, a bff from Austin. She is a fancy photographer in LA. You can check out her stuff at Jennifer Jasso Photography. She was shooting a wedding in Chicago and, lucky for us. made a pit stop in the mpls. It was so awesome to see jasso again. We had such a great visit. I was able to be there with her when she found out some life altering news. I can share more on that at a later date. Love you Jen!

We planned to do a photo shoot for Evi's one yr pics. But on Monday, the planned day, Ev got sick. Not sick sick, but teething sick. She had a low fever, runny nose and watery eyes. Let's just say that she was not in the mood to be photograph. We attempted to shoot, but it didn't last very long. Jennifer says she still got some good shots. I can't wait to see them. I will share with you all when I get them.

Till then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you finally consider MPLS your home, I too have come to grips with this being my home! Together here we will be family! Heart You.