Friday, June 26, 2009


Wow. A lot has happened in the 24hrs since I last posted.

I survived Bootcamp. yep. I lived. And I hate/loved it so much I decided to sign up for another day. That means tue and thurs I will be being tortured at the YWCA. All for a good cause for sure...those pesky last 10 lbs from my pregnancy. Bye Bye LBs.

Michael Jackson passed away. While the MJ that I loved has long since been gone, all the memorials being broadcast brings up so many memories. My very first record to ever buy was Thriller. I so wish I still had it. there any way it is packed in a box some where?

Farrah Fawcett - another icon. gone. While she was at her prime slightly before my time, I do remember Charlie's Angels. She is a part of history and will be missed.

Hope to have a fantastic weekend!

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